Annual General Meeting

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Date: Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Time: 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Organiser: Paola Bernoni

Dear Fellow Putney Bridge Canoe Club member,

The committee has pleasure inviting you to attend the Annual General Meeting that will be held on the evening of Tuesday, 28 November 2023.

The venue will be the upstairs rooms at a traditional London pub, The Atlas, 16 Seagrave Road, London SW6 1RX. We plan to gather from 19:00 hours and to commence the formal proceedings at 19:30 hours.

With a view to facilitating the seating arrangements for the meeting room, and for catering purposes, it would be very helpful if you could indicate your intention to attend the AGM or not, soonest. Please also advise of any dietary preferences and known food allergies.

This year’s AGM will be a special one, as PBCC has now received confirmation that the club’s application for registration as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (“CIO”) was approved by the Charity Commission on 2 October 2023. Information on the implications of the above, and the way forward to transition from the current to the new CIO status, will be provided at the AGM.

The AGM is an opportunity for the committee to report on the club’s finances and the year’s activities to the wider audience of the club’s membership. Motions not originated within the committee can be submitted for inclusion in the agenda by any member entitled to vote – seconded by at least one other member – at least 21 days prior to the date of the meeting. The finalised agenda will be provided to members by email, in due course.

Each year the serving members of the committee stand for re-election at the AGM, unless they have tendered their resignation. One member of the committee stood down as of July 2023 (Phil Roast) and three members of the committee, after having served for many years, will be standing down following this year’s AGM (Richard Bate, Geoff Onyett and Olwen Ross). A replacement candidate for each vacant role will be proposed by the committee for approval by members at the AGM.

The remaining committee members have confirmed that they are willing to continue in their respective roles for the coming year, if agreed by members at the AGM. Please note that all committee members will shortly be appointed as Trustees of the CIO.

If you would like to propose yourself or, with their permission, a fellow member for a position on the committee, please let Paola know as soon as possible.

Once the business part of the AGM is completed, we will move from the meeting room to the adjoining bar room to socialise: whilst PBCC will provide some light eats, a range of drinks will be available for members to purchase.

The Atlas is a short walk from the West Brompton tube and overground station, or a longer walk (10 – 15 minutes) from West Kensington, Earl’s Court or Fulham Broadway tube stations. The 74 and 430 buses run along Lillie Road, just 2 minutes’ walk away.

Please do not hesitate to contact Paola should you have any questions or comments regarding the forthcoming AGM.