River Dart Trip With Cherwell Canoe Club

Map Unavailable
Date: Friday, November 24, 2023 - Sunday, November 26, 2023
Time: All Day
Organiser: Fi Ritchie [L]

I’m glad to say that booking for the next Dart trip is now open on the Cherwell website. The booking page can be found using the following steps:
1. Go to Cherwell website
2. Click on ‘What’s On’ tab on the menu bar at the top
3. Click on ‘Event Bookings’
4. In the events box, on the right hand side, you should see the Dart trip listed. Click on ‘Book Places’
5. At the bottom of the page you will need to specify you’re a Putney member.
You can either set up a direct debit or pay as a one-off. The details of the trip are below (taken from the Cherwell website).

As it says below, I’m the liaison for Putney Bridge CC. If you’d like to come on the trip can you please send me an email to let me know. Also, whether you’re planning to paddle on the Friday peer paddle and whether you‘re planning to stay at the bunkhouse. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Notes from Cherwell:

Who can come: This is a fab opportunity to improve for intermediate paddlers, that is, anyone who can paddle at the Nene or Legacy whitewater courses, be able to break in and out of the current, ferry glide and keep your boat on a line through rapids. You should be confident in knowing what to do in the event of a capsize and how to swim safely in moving water – at this level a bad swim could result in injury. You should know how to use a throw line. Guidance and support will be provided by experienced paddlers. For those in doubt as to whether you can/should attend or not, please speak to Pat, Gerald or Grunt (Cherwell), Fi Ritchie(Putney) or to any other experienced club member.

What do we do: We paddle rivers of grade 2 and 3, with a grade 4-5 option for experienced paddlers. Rivers may include the Dart, Tavy and Walkham. There’s also a (sea) surfing option if river levels are low.

Price: Around £40 per person depending on numbers. This includes accommodation for Friday and Saturday night. Food will be extra, at cost. Car parking at river egress will need to be shared between people travelling in the same vehicle. The deposit is not refundable.

Accommodation: As usual we will be staying within the Dartmoor national park, at Powdermills Bunkhouse, http://www.spirit-of-adventure.com/bunkhouse/bunkhouse.htm.

Food: We will provide full English breakfasts on Saturday and Sunday, and the evening meal on Saturday (meat eaters and veggie options available, menu available for info nearer the date). You need to bring your own lunches and/or food to eat on the river. As a change from the norm, we won’t be providing red wine with the evening meal on this trip. The amount of wine drunk has been reducing over the last couple of years, which is either due to personal preferences changing or my selection of wines. As the cost of food has gone up, this appeared to be an easy way to keep costs down.

Friday Paddling: We are limiting paddlers on the Friday to the more experienced paddlers or regular paddlers on this trip. If you would like to paddle on the Friday, please answer yes to the question on the booking form and if it is felt that you aren’t of a suitable standard you will be contacted by the relevant club organiser. If you are a Cherwell member and book a Putney ticket, your booking will be deleted. The same applies if you are a Putney member and book a Cherwell ticket. If there are no tickets left for your club, please contact the organiser in your club (that is, Fi Ritchie for Putney and Tim for Cherwell).