Thursday Evening Thames Paddle for Beginners and Experienced Members

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Date: Thursday, June 23, 2022
Time: 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Organiser: Philip Roast [L]

This session is for new members of the club who haven’t paddled with us on the Thames before, as well as being open to more experienced members.

It is designed to provide a gentle introduction to safely paddling on the tidal Thames and provide the next step for complete beginners who have graduated from our pool sessions.

These sessions are likely to be very slow-paced, paddling over a short distance, and may involve some elements of coaching to reinforce and apply the skills learned in the pool.

However, we also invite more experienced members to come along and enjoy a summer evening paddle. We’ll have two leaders to allow members to go the full distance even if the beginner group decide to turn back early.

Please arrive half an hour before the session starts. Please read this before attending:

Bookings are closed for this event.