Instructions for adding and updating events/trip bookings

These instructions are just for trip leaders. Most trip leaders will only be able to edit their own events.

  1. Change the description, the time or the maximum number of people that can book
  2. Making an existing event ‘password protected’
  3. Adding a new Introductory session
  4. Adding a ‘special’ Thames session
  5. Adding more Recurring Thames padding events
  6. Adding a new recurring event not similar to Thames Paddling
  7. A new event, e.g. Lee Valley

Editing an existing event

Change the description, the time or the maximum number of people that can book

(Don’t use this to add more sessions to a recurring event, or edit an event in the past)

  1. Login to the administration interface here.
  2. On the left of the screen, hover over the Events menu item on the left and then choose events:
  3. Next, choose the event you wish to edit, and then hover the mouse over it so that a menu appears and then choose edit:
  4. You will see some warning messages if this is a recurring events which you can mostly ignore. This is the easiest way to change a single event. You can then change the text, increase the maximum number of people who can book (this is the Total Spaces). Don’t change the “Maximum Spaces per booking” as we normally only want one person to book one space.
  5. Click on the “Update” button

If you want to change the owner to someone else, you may need to contact an administrator.

Making an existing event ‘password protected’

If, for example you want to make an existing Sunday morning regular paddle a special event, and you want to organise it in advance and restrict it to a particular group of people, then follow these instructions:

  1. Login to the administration interface here.
  2. On the left of the screen, hover over the Events menu item on the left and then choose events:
  3. Next, choose the event you wish to edit, and then hover the mouse over it so that a menu appears and then choose edit:
  4. If it is a recurring event, there will be a warning at the top, with the message: “To make it an independent, detach it”. Click on the link to detach it.
  5. On the right, in a box with the title “Publish”, there will be a link to Edit the visibility of the post. Click on that, and you can then enter a password for the event and click on OK:
  6. Next, in the main screen, choose to edit the Bookings/Registration:
    and then change the “Available From” date.
  7. Click on the update button.
  8. Click on “View Post” to check that you are asked for a password. Enter the password, and check that booking is available
  9. Send the link for the post and the password to those you want to book.

Adding new events

Adding a new Introductory session

  • Login to the administration interface here.
  • On the left of the screen, hover over the Events menu item on the left and then choose events:
  • You need to find an old introductory session, so you may need to change the “Future events” dropdown to “Past events” and then click on “Filter”.
  • Look for an “Introduction to paddling on the Thames” session and then hover the mouse over it so that the sub menu items appear:
  • Click on duplicate, which should bring up a screen with text about the event and many other details.
  • In the top right corner, change the start and end date and time.
  • Under the Bookings/Registration section, change the “Booking Cut-Off Date” to be the evening before the event.
  • Set the “Total Spaces”. If you are taking up to four people out, choose 5.
  • Scroll down a bit further, and make sure that the “Author” is the person running the paddle.
  • On the right of the screen, near the top, click the blue “publish” button.

Adding a ‘special’ Thames session

    • Login to the administration interface here.
    • On the left of the screen, hover over the Events menu item on the left and then choose events:
    • Look for any “Thames” paddling session and then hover the mouse over it so that the sub menu items appear:
    • Click on duplicate, which should bring up a screen with text about the event and many other details. You may want to change the details and title.
    • In the top right corner, change the start and end date and time.
    • Under the Bookings/Registration section, change the “Booking Cut-Off Date” to be the evening before the event.
    • Set the “Total Spaces”. If you are taking up to four people out, choose 5.
    • Scroll down a bit further, and make sure that the “Author” is the person running the paddle.
    • On the right of the screen, near the top, click the blue “publish” button.

Recurring Thames padding events

These are set to go on for one or two months (or the booking looks silly with too many pages)
Don’t just extend the end date, or the records of all the previous paddles will be lost. The easiest way is to:

  1. From the dashboard, select Events, Recurring events
  2. If the last event is in the past, it won’t be on the list, so change Future events to All events and click on the Filter button:
  3. Hover under the one that you want, and select Duplicate
  4. Click on the button : Reschedule Recurring Event
  5. Change the start date and end date. You can ignore the warnings about rescheduling removing old sessions because you used the ‘Duplicate’ command.
  6. If you are not the trip leader for these sessions, you may want to change the “Author” from yourself to the trip leader:
  7. Click on: Publish

A new recurring event not similar to Thames Paddling

Additional administrator rights are required to do this. If you need to start from scratch, this may help:

  • Add recurring events:
  • Recurrences
    • The event repeats weekly every 1 week
    • Must fill in the start and end date using the picker. Specify 2 calendar months
    • Can edit individual occurrences
  • Registration
    • Enable registration, with at least 1 space and at most 1 space
    • Available from 10 days before the event at [add event start time]
    • Available until 0 days before the event [add event start time minus one hour]
    • Required and available for everyone
    • Total spaces: 6
    • Maximum spaces per booking: 1

A new event, e.g. Lee Valley

If you need to start from scratch, this may help:

  • Events menu, Add event
  • Add text and description
  • Make sure that you set dates in the “When” section on the top right.
  • Registration
    • Enable registration, with at least 1 space and at most 1 space per booking
    • Available from 10 days before the event at [add event start time]
    • Available until 0 days before the event [add event start time minus one hour]
    • Required and available for everyone
    • Total spaces: 6
    • Maximum spaces per booking: 1